Diagram of the Expact
International Students
- Asian
- European
- American
- African

Majorities of Studies:
- Art
- Business
- Biology
- Economic
- Communication Media
- Music
13 signs you are an Expat in Rotterdam
1. You start defending Rotterdam for the Dutch
2. You hang out in the Markthal
3. It feels like a true metropolitan city…
4. …until it doesn’t feel like a city
5. You don’t stand out in the crowd (Rotterdam has one of the most international populations in the country due to the port)
6. Witte De With Straat is THE place
7. Kapsalon is a treat
8. Moustache culture is well-groomed
9. Who needs a beach when there is Kralingen
10.The port mystery
11.The wind always blows against you
12.You’re an expert in re-calculating a route
13.Rolling that Rrrrr
Vien Diagram
My Assumptions:

1.my user group might want to make friend with people from their native country;
2. my user group want to make friend with all the other expats;
3. my user group want to make friend with Dutch people;

4. part of my user group do not like nature/usually don't go to nature;
My questions:

1. Do you want do make friend/get connect with locals/ppl from other country/ppl your native country?

2. How much do you like about hanging out in nature?

3. What would you like to do if hang out in nature?
Interface exercise
5 visual assumptions of the user group
105 Interfaces assignment
Link to the MIRO pages: